[Experimental and Digital Project]
-12th grade – Scientific section –

A huge challenge was overcome by our 12th graders in scientific section and their teachers during the MCO: they went on with their EDP online! In small groups or individually, some of them did the EDP all the way to the end!

Here are some of their subjects:
Germination of seeds under different conditions, physical activity and body temperature, the making of an audio tape, waves and earthquakes, degradation of organic matter and the influence of the sun.

Here are some of the pupils’ creations:

This Experimental and Digital Project is closely related to the curriculum, and aims at confronting pupils with the practice of scientific processes as well as with the usage of scientific material such as captors and software.
Writing a mission statement, conceiving an experiment, taking measurements and finalising the production; such were the different steps of the project.

The teaching team of Grade 12 – scientific section

Ms Leveillé Nizerolle – Ms Bouchard – Mr Wattelle