Integration programme for non-French speaking students in Elementary School

This program is meant for non-French speaking children for an admission from CP to CE2 (1st year to 3rd year of elementary school).

Students will be attending a regular class according to their age group but will also benefit from extra-French classes in order to have a good command of the French language.

  • Students will participate to an “immersion class” for one and a half hour every day (7 hours and a half per week) during school time, in a group of 12 students maximum, with a teacher who is specialized in teaching French as a foreign language, in charge of the group. These hours are not spent with the other students of the ordinary class but are specifically designed for non-French speaking children according to their language level.


  • Students will take part in the ECA (Extra Curricular Activity) “French as a foreign language” twice a week after school (compulsory attendance with an additional cost for the families) 4 hours per week.


  • Students will participate with other pupils from their class, to the “linguistic pathway” in French language (1hour per week) in addition to class learning, in order to improve their command of oral and written French (8 to 10 hours a week) according to their normal curriculum.

How to apply for the “bridging programme” :

  • Students will participate to a morning of observation organized by the LFKL (2 sessions per year : end of June in order to start school in September and another one mid-December to start school in January).


  • Students can be enroled directly online on the LFKL website, families will have to provide documents on the child’s identity and educational background, for the school’s records. Once parents have applied online, students will be called in for a morning of observation.


  • The participation in the bridging programme is free of charge.The participation to the extra curricular activities will however incur additional costs.


  • During this morning of observation, students will be assessed according to their language, mathematics and general skills following their age level.


  • Then, a meeting between the families and the primary school director will be arranged, to clarify the enrollment project.


  • If the application is confirmed by the Director, the child will be allowed to join the integration scheme at the beginning of the coming school year (September or January) for a total of 1 school year. The student will then be enroled at the LFKL.


  • To finalize the enrolment, families will have secure the payment of the initial enrolment fees and the school deposit. In the unlikely event of a non-validation of an application, the fees will be fully reimbursed.