Books & Materials

School supplies for primary school :

Please find below the list of school supplies that students must have for September:

Supplies and books for Middle and High school

Please find below the list of school supplies that students must have for September:

  • List of supplies 2024-2025 – Middle school (coming soon)
  • List of supplies 2024-2025 – High school (coming soon)


In secondary school, in addition to school supplies, parents are asked to obtain exercise books and literary books (list below).

Parents can order books and exercise books (outside the International Section) via the LDE website before July 7. After this date, families will have to obtain the books by their own means.

The books will be delivered directly to the LFKL and distributed to students at the start of the school year.

The tutorial is below.

In addition, only for International Section students :

Textbook list and summer reading for the International Section 2024-2025 :


As part of the LLCER Specialty teaching, school life will specify to each student the works that will be studied next year in 1ère Spécialité LLCE and Terminale Speciality LLCE.


The following supplies are available at the économat, for ad-hoc needs.